MEDITATION: The Faith We Need For the Journey (Parashat Devarim)

Moshe recalls the incident of the scouts and the people’s lack of faith to move forward to the land. He says: בדבר הזה אינכם מאמינים בה’ אלוקיכם, “with reference to this thing you do not believe in Hashem your God” (Deurteronomy 1:32). In this meditation, we explore what “this thing” is that they and maybe we don’t believe or trust in — what stops us from fully moving forward on our journey to the promised land, to our full potential destiny? The meditation considers three areas of unbelief — 1) that God is carrying us through the desert of our difficulties; 2) that we are on a journey to the promised land, on a meaningful path, that even the difficulties are part of this journey, part of the growth and transformation; and 3) belief in ourselves and our own capacity to handle whatever challenges lie ahead. As we explore each issue, we taste what it might feel like to actually feel some trust and faith in each area.

Sources: Deuerotonomy 1: 29-33, Rashi on 1:32, Shmot Rabbah 26

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