MEDITATION: The Steady Presence of Serach bat Asher (Parashat Pinchas)

Serach, the daughter of Asher, lived a very long time — she lived through the descent to Egypt and the enslavement, the redemption, the desert, and the entrance to the land of Israel. She is listed in our parsha in the census (Numbers 26:46), one of the only women to be mentioned, and she is also listed in Breishit as one of the 70 descendants of Yaakov to go down to Egypt (Genesis 46:17). Though these two listings are all we hear of her in the Torah, the midrash fills in the gap with many stories In this meditation, we invite the spirit of Serach to join us as we explore three such stories and let some of Serach’s steadiness, faith and perspective enter us.

Midrashic Sources for these Stories: Sefer HaYashar Vayigash, 9, Pirke deRabbi Eliezer 48.17, Talmud Sotah 13a, and Breshit Rabbah 94:9

Photo by Aleksei Andreev at Pexels

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