Vayishlach, וַיִּשְׁלַח

Vayishlach, וַיִּשְׁלַח
And He Sent Out

MEDITATION: Coming Into Our Own “Yisrael” Power (Parashat Vayishlach)

We can, like Yaakov, move out of hiding to step into our own larger Yisrael self, to feel our own power, strength, confidence and divine essence. (Click image to read more and to listen)

MEDITATION: Coming Into Our Own “Yisrael” Power (Parashat Vayishlach) Read More »

ESSAY: Coming to Know Our Own Strength Through Wrestling (Parashat Vayishlach)

It is partly the struggle that teaches us, the experience of standing face to face with some other, the experience of holding our own while another person holds their own. (Click image to read more)

ESSAY: Coming to Know Our Own Strength Through Wrestling (Parashat Vayishlach) Read More »

MEDITATION: Knowing Our Own Strength (Parashat Vayishlach)

Yaakov needed this angel in order to learn that he was not small and insecure, as he thought, but strong and infinitely capable. In this meditation, we explore who these angels are inside us and how we can encounter them to know our own strength. (Click image to read more and listen)

MEDITATION: Knowing Our Own Strength (Parashat Vayishlach) Read More »

MEDITATION: “You have Prevailed”: Feeling Our Own Strength (Parashat Vayishlach)

Yaakov struggles with the angel and is told, vatukhal, “you have prevailed.” In this meditation, we work with our own struggles and fears and find the strength and resililence to meet them face to face and feel our capacity to handle what is difficult. Photo by Snapwire from Pexels

MEDITATION: “You have Prevailed”: Feeling Our Own Strength (Parashat Vayishlach) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Yaakov’s Rebirth (Parashat Vayishlach)

(Originally published in December 2020) Yaakov’s struggle with a “man” the night before he meets up with his brother Esav can be read as a rebirth.   It is a transformative experience at the end of which he receives a name change, as if born anew with a fresh way of being in the world.   

SHORT ESSAY: Yaakov’s Rebirth (Parashat Vayishlach) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: The Sun Rises Just For You (Parashat Vayishlach)

I was taking a walk the other day, feeling a little glum, when I noticed the ginkgo tree up the street. The sky was blue and the sun was shining on it just so, making its yellow leaves radiant and aglow. I stopped in wonder and thought, “Thank you, God, for this gift today.” I

SHORT ESSAY: The Sun Rises Just For You (Parashat Vayishlach) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: One Kind Act (Parashat Vayishlach)

One kind act can shift the course of history. In this week’s parsha, Yaakov hears that Esav is approaching with 400 men. Was Esav planning an aggressive attack? The Torah doesn’t tell us but Yaakov certainly thinks so. The possible destruction of the future Jewish people is headed off by what? By Yaakov’s overflowing generous

SHORT ESSAY: One Kind Act (Parashat Vayishlach) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Our Enemies Are Our Angels (Parashat Vayishlach)

God takes different forms on this earth. When Avraham interacts with God’s messengers in the world, they are visitors, wandering strangers who are in need of hospitality. The face of God in the world for Avraham is the face of hospitality, of hesed, of people in need of help. For Yaakov, on the other hand, God’s

SHORT ESSAY: Our Enemies Are Our Angels (Parashat Vayishlach) Read More »