
Vayechi, וַיְחִי
And He Lived

MEDITATION: Hope Amidst It All (Parashat Vayechi)

In the middle of Yaakov’s final words to his children, he suddenly turns to God in prayer with three words — לישועתך קויתי ה, “I hope for Your salvation, O Lord!” (Click image to read more)

MEDITATION: Hope Amidst It All (Parashat Vayechi) Read More »

WOW (Word of the Week): ויחי, And He Lived (Parashat Vayechi)

What if, the next time you are sad or hurt or angry, you paused and reflected on the essential aliveness of these feelings, the way they feel intense and living inside you . . . .? (Click image to read more)

WOW (Word of the Week): ויחי, And He Lived (Parashat Vayechi) Read More »

MEDITATION: On “Chayut,” Aliveness (Parashat Vayechi)

This week’s parsha begins, Vayechi Yaakov, “Yaakov lived,” but it is a parsha about Yaakov’s death. In this meditation, we work on expanding our notion of aliveness in two ways: 1) As Yaakov had a very difficult life, but still vayechi, still loved, so we experiment with seeing our most difficult emotions as manifestations of

MEDITATION: On “Chayut,” Aliveness (Parashat Vayechi) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Gifts From Our Parents (Parashat Vayechi)

The two parshiyyot in the book of Breishit whose topic is death are both called by names that indicate life: Hayei Sarah, in which Sarah, Avraham and Ishmael die, and this week’s parsha, Vayehi, in which Yaakov dies. At the very moment that we acknowledge that these ancestors died, we also proclaim something about their lives, something

SHORT ESSAY: Gifts From Our Parents (Parashat Vayechi) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: On Protection and Connection (Parashat Vayechi)

On his death-bed, Yaakov gives the following blessing to his grandchildren, Menasheh and Efraim: The God before whom my fathers Avraham and Yitzhak walked,The God who has been my shepherd from my birth to this day,The Angel who has redeemed me from all harm—–Bless the lads [Hebrew, ne’arim].In them may my name be recalled,And the names of my

SHORT ESSAY: On Protection and Connection (Parashat Vayechi) Read More »