Toldot, תּוֹלְדֹת

Toledot, תּוֹלְדֹת

ESSAY: Planting Seeds: An Alternative To Chasing After Blessing (Parashat Toldot)

How do we attain true divine blessing? There is a lot of grasping and chasing after blessing in this parsha, but there is also another model . . . (Click image to read more)

ESSAY: Planting Seeds: An Alternative To Chasing After Blessing (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

MEDITATION: On Planting Seeds and Receiving Blessing (Parashat Toldot)

How do we attain true divine blessing — by grasping and chasing or by planting and trusting? (Click here to read more and listen)

MEDITATION: On Planting Seeds and Receiving Blessing (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

QUICK THOUGHT: Being Yourself (Parashat Toldot)

Sometimes we think, like Yaakov, that we have to pretend to be someone else in order to be blessed, in order to be loved, in order to be attended to.  We dress ourselves up like the cool flashy kids who are big and strong and wear leather jackets and know how to hunt.  We are

QUICK THOUGHT: Being Yourself (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

MEDITATION: On Scarcity and Spaciousness (Parashat Toldot)

The parsha is full of fighting — fighting between Yaakov and Esav over the birthright and the blessing, and fighting between the shepherds of Gerar and the shepherds of Yitzhak over wells. Behind this fighting is a sense of scarcity of resources. In this meditation, we look inside to see what kinds of scarcity we

MEDITATION: On Scarcity and Spaciousness (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

ESSAY: On Divine Spaciousness: Offering it Back to Our Ancestors (Parashat Toldot)

(Originally published in 2020) I want to focus on one word in our parsha, Rechovot, “wide open spaces.” (Click image to read more)

ESSAY: On Divine Spaciousness: Offering it Back to Our Ancestors (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Rivka’s (and Our) Emotional Journey, in Three Parts (Parashat Toldot)

Who are your inner twins, the parts of you that are in conflict, constantly pulling you in different directions? (Click image to read more)

SHORT ESSAY: Rivka’s (and Our) Emotional Journey, in Three Parts (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

MEDITATION: Rivka’s (And Our) Emotional Journey, In Three Parts (Parashat Toldot)

Rivka, now pregnant with twins, feels them struggling inside her, pulling in different directions. In this meditation, we follow her emotional journey from this sense of inner conflict to collapse to seeking God. We work to feel each difficult step, and then the unifying, calming energy of focusing on our deepest desire for divine connection.

MEDITATION: Rivka’s (And Our) Emotional Journey, In Three Parts (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Rivka’s Love (Parashat Toldot)

The Torah says that Yitzhak loved Esav ki tzayid befiv, “because” of the hunting that Esav used to bring him to eat, while Rivka loved Yaakov. There is no reason attached to Rivka’s love; she simply loved him. The rabbis cite this love as an example of ahavah she’einah teluya badavar, a love that, unlike Yitzhak’s, is

SHORT ESSAY: Rivka’s Love (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Esav’s Cries (Parashat Toldot)

Vayitzak tze’akah gedolah umarah ad me’od. “He cried out an exceedingly great and bitter cry (Gen 27:34).” This is the Torah’s description of Esav’s reaction to the news that his brother Yaakov had stolen his blessing. We can rationalize Yaakov’s actions. He had in fact bartered for the first-born rights earlier in the parsha so

SHORT ESSAY: Esav’s Cries (Parashat Toldot) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Yitzhak As the Good Husband (Parashat Toldot)

Avraham had many admirable characteristics, but he was not always the most attentive husband. His son, Yitzhak, on the other hand, now he was a good husband. Yitzhak’s response to Rivkah’s barrenness was quite different from Avraham’s response to Sarah’s. Yitzhak prays for her. What a novel concept! Avraham spends a parsha and a half waiting

SHORT ESSAY: Yitzhak As the Good Husband (Parashat Toldot) Read More »