Va’era, וָאֵרָא

Va’eira, וָאֵרָא And I Appeared 6:2-9:35

ESSAY: When We Are Closed — Learning to Breathe (Parashat Va’era)

The Israelites could not hear Moshe because of “kotzer ruah,” shortness of breath. How do we learn to breathe deeply and let God in? (Click image to read more)

ESSAY: When We Are Closed — Learning to Breathe (Parashat Va’era) Read More »

MEDITATION: When We Are Closed — Learning To Breathe (Parashat Va’era)

The Israelites could not hear Moshe because of “kotzer ruah,” shortness of breath. How do we learn to breathe deeply and let God in? (Click image to read more)

MEDITATION: When We Are Closed — Learning To Breathe (Parashat Va’era) Read More »

MEDITATION: Relaxing into Redemption (Parashat Va’era)

In order to achieve our own redemption, we need to become like Moshe in his ability to surrender to God and to open to the divine redemptive process. (Click image to read more)

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WOW (Word of the Week): “Aral Sefatayim” — Reclaiming Our Voice (Parashat Va’era)

In our childhood, an angel helps us choose survival, but at what cost? What is lost of ourselves and our voices in the choice? (Click image to read more)

WOW (Word of the Week): “Aral Sefatayim” — Reclaiming Our Voice (Parashat Va’era) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: The Stages of Redemption (Parashat Va’era)

(Originally published in January 2021) For the Israelites, true redemption from slavery was not just a removal from danger and suffering, but a movement into relationship with God. (Click image to read more)

SHORT ESSAY: The Stages of Redemption (Parashat Va’era) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Are We Like Pharaoh? (Parashat Va’era)

In what ways are we like Pharaoh? There is some truth out there that keeps knocking at our door – plague after plague, sign after sign– and we stubbornly refuse to hear it. And this stubbornness, this refusal to change, to shift our views and actions based on experience, this refusal to “let them go,” to

SHORT ESSAY: Are We Like Pharaoh? (Parashat Va’era) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Turning Aside to See the Miracle (Parashat Va’era)

God first appeared (last week) to Moshe as a burning bush. Maybe this was a test: What made God decide to speak to him, to choose him as His partner on earth? “Moshe said: I must turn aside to look at this marvelous sight; why doesn’t the bush burn up?” It was Moshe’s ability to

SHORT ESSAY: Turning Aside to See the Miracle (Parashat Va’era) Read More »