Terumah, תְּרוּמָה

Terumah, תְּרוּמָה Donation 25:1-27:19

ESSAY: From Swords to Angel Wings: Learning to Open Our Hearts (Parashat Terumah)

“I will meet you there,” God says. But are we open to it? What about those angels of destruction standing in the way? (Click image to read more)

ESSAY: From Swords to Angel Wings: Learning to Open Our Hearts (Parashat Terumah) Read More »

MEDITATION: From Swords to Angel Wings: Learning to Open Our Hearts (Parashat Terumah)

In this meditation, we look closely at the keruvim, the child-like angel figures that stood on top of the ark in the Tabernacle. It is from between these keruvim that God is said to speak and meet us. Finding this place in our own heart space, we explore what blocks us from this open access

MEDITATION: From Swords to Angel Wings: Learning to Open Our Hearts (Parashat Terumah) Read More »

WOW (Word of the Week): כרובים, Keruvim: Through the Portal of Our Childhood Selves (Parashat Terumah)

We are given a chance to retrieve what we lost in the Garden of Eden by entering through the keruvim, through our childhood selves with all their woundedness and innocence. (Click image to read more)

WOW (Word of the Week): כרובים, Keruvim: Through the Portal of Our Childhood Selves (Parashat Terumah) Read More »

MEDITATION: Becoming a Mishkan, a Dwelling Place for Divine Presence (Parashat Terumah)

In this meditation, we focus on the Aron, the ark, as the meeting place for Divine Presence in the Mishkan, and we find that meeting place inside ourselves in our hearts, and specifically in the hole (like the open space above the Aron between the angels where God spoke) of our vulnerability. We find in

MEDITATION: Becoming a Mishkan, a Dwelling Place for Divine Presence (Parashat Terumah) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Hevruta: Where We can Still Hear God’s Voice (Parashat Terumah)

In this week’s parsha, we read about the mishkan, the building of a dwelling place for God on this earth. And we feel a twinge of envy – they had access to God; God dwelled in their midst; we are left alone to wander the world, searching for His Presence. But certain features of the mishkan give me

SHORT ESSAY: Hevruta: Where We can Still Hear God’s Voice (Parashat Terumah) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: God Dwells where We Turn Towards Each Other (Parashat Terumah)

This week’s parsha details the creation of a mishkan, a holy space for God to dwell on this earth. Ve’asu li mikdash veshahanti betokham. They should make for Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst. How can we draw down God’s Presence to this earth? In the Mishkan God’s voice would come from between

SHORT ESSAY: God Dwells where We Turn Towards Each Other (Parashat Terumah) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: God’s Mobile Home (Parashat Terumah)

My youngest son Asher, upon being asked what materials he thought would be necessary for the building of the Tabernacle described in this week’s parsha, replied: “Cement.” It’s true. One would have expected the building of a house of God to require cement, something to hold the pieces together in a permanent way. But no,

SHORT ESSAY: God’s Mobile Home (Parashat Terumah) Read More »