Shemot, שְׁמוֹת

Shemot, שְׁמוֹת Names Ex. 1:1-6:1

ESSAY: On Self Doubt And Letting God In To Do The Work (Parashat Shemot)

When God first invites Moshe to this new project of redemption, Moshe has a lot of self doubt and objections. But God stays steady and helps him see that ultimately it is not these doubting human parts that will do the job, but God working through Moshe.  What would it mean for us to let […]

ESSAY: On Self Doubt And Letting God In To Do The Work (Parashat Shemot) Read More »

MEDITATION: On Self Doubt And Letting God In To Do The Work (Parashat Shemot)

When God first invites Moshe to this new project of redemption, Moshe has a lot of objections. God stays stead with Moshe and helps him see that ultimately it is not these doubting human parts that will do the job, but God working through Moshe. In this meditation, we come into contact without own doubts

MEDITATION: On Self Doubt And Letting God In To Do The Work (Parashat Shemot) Read More »

MEDITATION: Not Consumed By Our Fiery Emotions (Parashat Shemot)

In this meditation, we look at the image of the burning bush that was not consumed. We become aware of our internal fires of suffering and emotion and we find within them a pont of perfect stillness, like the eye of the storm. We experiment with holding both energies at once, both the raging fire

MEDITATION: Not Consumed By Our Fiery Emotions (Parashat Shemot) Read More »

WOW (Word of the Week): ואיו, “And Where is He?” (Parashat Shemot)

Where are they inside you, those abandoned parts of your own self? Invite them in and offer them some bread. This is the divine call of redemption. (Click image to read more)

WOW (Word of the Week): ואיו, “And Where is He?” (Parashat Shemot) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: To Not be Consumed by the Blaze (Parashat Shemot)

(Originally published last year) “And he [Moshe] looked and behold the bush was ablaze with fire, but the bush was not consumed.” This vision speaks of a place of invulnerability inside each of us that can withstand any blaze. (Click image to read more)

SHORT ESSAY: To Not be Consumed by the Blaze (Parashat Shemot) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: I will be what I will be (Parashat Shemot)

Eheyeh asher Eheyeh. I will be what I will be. This is how God tells Moshe to introduce Him to the people of Israel this week. This name of God reminds me of the song: Que sera, seraWhatever will be, will beThe future’s not ours to seeQue sera, sera The implication of “I will be

SHORT ESSAY: I will be what I will be (Parashat Shemot) Read More »