Pekudei, פְקוּדֵי

Pekudei, פְקוּדֵי Accountings 38:21-40:38

ESSAY: Betzalel and the Honoring of Our Intuitive Knowing (Parashat Pekudei)

What if, like Betzalel, we are not wrong? What if God and the universe depend on our speaking out our truth? (Click image to read more)

ESSAY: Betzalel and the Honoring of Our Intuitive Knowing (Parashat Pekudei) Read More »

MEDITATION: Betzalel and the Honoring of Our Intuitive Knowing (Parashat Pekudei)

What if God and the universe wants and needs us to listen to that inkling, to that intuition, to that knowing? What if the world depends on it? (Click image to read more and listen)

MEDITATION: Betzalel and the Honoring of Our Intuitive Knowing (Parashat Pekudei) Read More »

MEDITATION: What Unites Our Fragmented Parts (Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei)

This meditation explores the relationship between the mishkan (Tabernacle), work and Shabbat. We start by noticing the multiplicity of vessels and labors and creations in the mishkan, noting that multiplicity inside ourselves as well, and feeling into the sense of overwhelm and fragmentation we sometimes experiece as a result. And then we consider what makes

MEDITATION: What Unites Our Fragmented Parts (Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei) Read More »

MEDITATION: All Parts Have a Place (Parashat Pekudei)

We see and honor each of our internal parts as having a place insde us, just as Moshe saw and anointed each of the vessels of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). (Click image to read more and listen)

MEDITATION: All Parts Have a Place (Parashat Pekudei) Read More »