Mishpatim, מִּשְׁפָּטִים

Mishpatim, מִּשְׁפָּטִים Laws 21:1-24:18

SHORT ESSAY: Making Room For God To Dwell Inside You (Parashat Terumah)

The thing is, in order to let God in, you have to make space inside. I don’t know about you, but my inner world is pretty crowded, stuffed tight with worries and judgments . . . (Click image to read more)

SHORT ESSAY: Making Room For God To Dwell Inside You (Parashat Terumah) Read More »

ESSAY: Putting Distance Around Our False Beliefs (Parashat Mishpatim)

False beliefs put you in a claustrophobic box, but truth will open the doors and the windows for you to step out into who you really are.

ESSAY: Putting Distance Around Our False Beliefs (Parashat Mishpatim) Read More »

MEDITATION: Putting Distance Around Our False Beliefs (Parashat Mishpatim)

In this meditation, we apply the phrase מדבר שקר תרחק, “keep yourself distant from falsehood’ (Ex. 23:7) to our inner falsehoods, to the core false beliefs about ourselves that lie hidden and unquestioned inside us, things like: “I am not enough” and “I don’t matter” and “I need to do everything just right.” We work

MEDITATION: Putting Distance Around Our False Beliefs (Parashat Mishpatim) Read More »

WOW (Word of the Week): נשמע, Nishma, We Will Listen (Parashat Mishpatim)

“The Merciful One wants the heart.” . . We need to act, but we also need to hear, to pause for a moment and be receptive, to open up to listening and taking in. (Click image to read more)

WOW (Word of the Week): נשמע, Nishma, We Will Listen (Parashat Mishpatim) Read More »

MEDITATION: The Vulnerable Inside you (Parashat Mishpatim)

One theme running through the parsha’s laws is taking care of the vulnerable in society — the stranger, the widow, the poor, the slave, . . . In this meditation, we look inward to our own vulnerable parts, we get to know them and the shame and judgment surrounding them, we listen to them and

MEDITATION: The Vulnerable Inside you (Parashat Mishpatim) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: The Stranger Inside Us (Parashat Mishpatim)

(Origninally published in 2021) These are our internal strangers, living in our system as second class citizens. When we welcome them in, when we welcome the holes, they shift from being outsiders in this world to insiders in another world . . . (Click image to read more)

SHORT ESSAY: The Stranger Inside Us (Parashat Mishpatim) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: My Father’s Torah on the Ger, the Immigrant (Parashat Mishpatim)

My father spoke beautiful English with a heavy Polish/Yiddish/Russian/Israeli accent. He loved this country. He liked to say that this was the only country in the world where a poor immigrant-refugee like him could come and have his children educated in the highest institutions in the country. In 2007, almost exactly 10 years ago, he

SHORT ESSAY: My Father’s Torah on the Ger, the Immigrant (Parashat Mishpatim) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: The Blue that Binds Us (Parashat Mishpatim)

“Under His feet there was the likeness of a pavement of sapphire, like the very sky for purity” (24:10). This description of a vision of God appears in this week’s parsha, alongside its many laws. “A pavement of sapphire” in Hebrew reads, livnat hasapir. Rashi, quoting the midrash, says that this levaynah, “pavement” or “brick,” was at

SHORT ESSAY: The Blue that Binds Us (Parashat Mishpatim) Read More »