Ki Tavo, כִּי-תָבוֹא

Ki Tavo, כִּי-תָבוֹא When You Come In 26:1-29:8

MEDITATION: Serving God With What Brings You Joy (Parashat Ki Tavo)

This parsha is dominated by the tocheichah, a lengthy description of terrible events that will befall us if we do not follow God. At one point, in the midst of these curses, we are told that the reason they come is tahat asher lo avadeta et Hashem elokekha besimchah uvetuv levav, “because you did not

MEDITATION: Serving God With What Brings You Joy (Parashat Ki Tavo) Read More »

ESSAY: Back and Forth — Our Reciprocal Relationship with God (Parashat Ki Tavo)

How can you not just do teshuva, but be a teshuva, be a response to God’s call, inhabit your whole being as a response to God’s desire for you? (Click image to read more)

ESSAY: Back and Forth — Our Reciprocal Relationship with God (Parashat Ki Tavo) Read More »

MEDITATION: Back and Forth — Our Reciprocal Relationship With God (Parashat Ki Tavo)

In this meditation, we explore what it might feel like to connect to God in this reciprocal way, to know that it is not just that we yearn for God, but also that God yearns for us. (Click image to read more and to listen)

MEDITATION: Back and Forth — Our Reciprocal Relationship With God (Parashat Ki Tavo) Read More »

QUICK THOUGHT: A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey (Parashat Ki Tavo)

This is the journey we make in life, not once, but many times over, from Mitzrayim, a place of narrow straits, to a land of ease and flow. (Click image to read more)

QUICK THOUGHT: A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey (Parashat Ki Tavo) Read More »

QUICK THOUGHT: Imagining Your Own Homecoming (Parashat Ki Tavo)

Holding that fantasy in faith before us, the fantasy of total return, the fantasy of really coming home to ourselves and to God . . . (Click image to read more)

QUICK THOUGHT: Imagining Your Own Homecoming (Parashat Ki Tavo) Read More »

MEDITATION: On Bikkurim and Homecoming (Parashat Ki Tavo)

In this meditation, we explore the bikkurim (first fruits) ceremony as a celebration of homecoming, both physical, to the land, and in our meditation, spiritual, a continual return to the home of peace and rest inside ourselves that is our true home, a place that is not tight like Mitzrayim, but flowing like the land

MEDITATION: On Bikkurim and Homecoming (Parashat Ki Tavo) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Back and Forth Between Us and God (Parashat Ki Tavo)

(Originally published in 2020) It is as if we have a secret language between us and God that no one else knows . . . (Click image to read more)

SHORT ESSAY: Back and Forth Between Us and God (Parashat Ki Tavo) Read More »