

SHORT ESSAY: On Amalek and Doubt (Parashat Zakhor)

This week I had the experience of doubt. I had to make a big decision, and I kept coming to a certain conclusion and then doubting it and questioning it, giving me a sinking, uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. But wait, the doubt kept saying. What if you are making a terrible […]

SHORT ESSAY: On Amalek and Doubt (Parashat Zakhor) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Groundless together (Purim)

Purim – both its story and the way we celebrate it – always gives me a vague feeling of unease and instability. First, the story. Yes, we do win in the end, but the forces against us feel very real, and the victory sudden and unreliable. It is the story of Jewish history; they hate

SHORT ESSAY: Groundless together (Purim) Read More »

SHORT ESSAY: Amalek and Self Attack (Parashat Zakhor)

One of the primary characteristics of Amalek is that they attack hanekheshalim aharekha, “those who are weak in your rear.” They attack the weak and the vulnerable. We feel intuitively how wrong this is, and we understand that a society should be measured by how kindly it treats its weakest members. I want to take this

SHORT ESSAY: Amalek and Self Attack (Parashat Zakhor) Read More »