

ESSAY: עד דלא ידע — Until We Meet in the Field of Unknowing (Purim)

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there,” says Rumi. Purim is that meeting place. (Click image to read more)

ESSAY: עד דלא ידע — Until We Meet in the Field of Unknowing (Purim) Read More »

MEDITATION: עד דלא ידע — Until We Meet in the Field of Unknowing (Purim)

In this meditation, we explore the concept of ad delo yada, the instruction on Purim to get into a mindset of not knowing the difference between blessed Mordecai and cursed Haman. We consider what this mindset might feel like, if we let go temporarily of our pervasive habit of judging, distinguishing, separating and evaluating, and

MEDITATION: עד דלא ידע — Until We Meet in the Field of Unknowing (Purim) Read More »

MEDITATION: Standing Up For Ourselves (Parashat Zachor, Purim)

We, too, are given permission by the King of Kings to do the work of standing up for ourselves against internal — as well as external — attack. (Click image to read more)

MEDITATION: Standing Up For Ourselves (Parashat Zachor, Purim) Read More »

MEDITATION: Gathering Together (Purim)

On this day when President Zelensky of Ukraine comes to ask for help for his country from the US, we are commemorating Esther’s plea to the king for mercy for her people. In preparation for that request, Esther instructs Mordecai to gather the people together. In this meditation, we work on our capacity for gathering,

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MEDITATION: Amalek, Ukraine, and Moshe’s Strong Arms of Faith (Parashat Zakhor)

In this meditation, we imagine the war with Amalek with all its tenuousness and feel inside us the fear and hopelessness that come from a cruel unprovoked attack by the powerful upon the weak. We allow ourselves to feel that gnawing doubt that evil will triumph in relation to Amalek, and in relation to the

MEDITATION: Amalek, Ukraine, and Moshe’s Strong Arms of Faith (Parashat Zakhor) Read More »

POEM: Until You Don’t Know (purim)

Ad delo yada*“Until you don’t know”  Keep celebrating until you can’t tell until they seem the same:Esther and Vashti us and them. The invitation is not to know but still to care — to send out colored bags to the hungry and the not hungry,to include them all. Maybe it’s easier to carewithout taking on the weight of judgment

POEM: Until You Don’t Know (purim) Read More »