

ESSAY: Entering the Magical Kingdom (Chanukah)

We tend to be mired in the concrete, our perspective limited by what we can comprehend and know and hold on to.   Hanukkah reminds us to open to the mysterious, the miraculous, the magical, the unknown.  Not Enough Oil They thought that little jug had only enough oil to last one day.   We […]

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MEDITATION: Entering the Magical Kingdom (Chanukah)

They thought the jug did not have enough oil to last more than one day. We have this pervasive sense of not enoughness about many things — time, space, resources, love — and on one level, the concrete, rational level of counting and figuring things out and knowing, there is truth to our assessments, to

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ESSAY: Our Hidden Inner Light (Chanukah)

On Chanukah, as we light candles into the deepest dark of the winter, we can also take some time to light an internal candle into the darkest parts of our inner lives, into the places that hold sadness and loneliness and despair and grief, the parts that see the dark side of the world, the

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MEDITATION: Our Hidden Inner Light (Chanukah)

In this meditation, we take the concepts of darkness and light into our internal world, exploring the parts of us that feel most dark and bringing some warm Chanukah light to keep them company. There is a tradition that the Chanukah light is related to the or haganuz, the divine light that God originally created,

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MEDITATION: Bringing the Miracle Inside (Chanukah)

On Chanukah, we celebrate the miraculous — the impossible becoming possible. This meditation explores what it feels like to bring this sense of the miraculous inside — through the Chanukah light and all its particular miracles — especially to our darkest places, the places of despair and impossibility.

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SHORT ESSAY: Becoming a Vessel (Chanukah and Parashat Vayeshev)

(Originally published in December 2020) The Chanukah menorah is a kli, a vessel, to hold the oil or the candles that bring light into the world.    Light needs a container.  In order for blessing to enter this world, it needs a container.    In the book of Kings (II Kings 4), when a destitute woman

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SHORT ESSAY: Let Go! (Chanukah)

There is a strange Chanukah halakhah that we have been exploring in my high school Gemara class this week — If your Chanukah candle goes out, even right after you lit it, you are not required to relight it. This is not to say that you can’t relight it or are not encouraged to do

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SHORT ESSAY: A Little Bit of Light Goes a Long Way (Chanukah)

Sometimes it feels like there is more evil in the world than good. At this time of year, there is certainly more dark than light. And some days the problems and the tasks – our own and the world’s – seem like they are more immense and numerous than our energy to deal with them.

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