MEDITATION: Radical Inclusivity (Parashat Bo)

At one point Pharaoh agrees to let them go, but wants to know — who among you will be going. Moshe responds — all of us, we will go with our young and our old, with our sons and our daughters, with our sheep and our cattle. Pharaoh’s reaction is — no way (Exodus 10:8-11). It’s only supposed to be the men going. There is an underlying difference here in understanding of how redemption works. God’s vision of redemption is radically inclusive while Pharaoh’s draws lines, some in, some out. In this meditation, we lean in to God’s vision for ourselves and each other, both in the external world and inside ourselves.

Image by freestockpro at Pexels

1 thought on “MEDITATION: Radical Inclusivity (Parashat Bo)”

  1. שבוע טוב!
    Dear Dr. Anisfeld,

    Your meditation / דרשה on Parashat Bo was beautiful. Very inspiring.

    Thank you!

    (Radical Inclusivity (Parashat Bo) implies the difference inherent between Divine and human. One aspect which is often set aside in commentaries, especially Hasidic ones, is that the Humash, the Divine narrative, takes only the Israelite in consideration, excluding the Gentile in its system of rewards and punishment.The Pesah le-dorot requires circumcision of the male excluded and let unspoken the status of the female one.)

I welcome your thoughts: