MEDITATION: Staying Centered Through the Ups and Downs (Parashat Tzav)

There is a tradition that during the 7 day period of the miluim, the days of practice and initiation before the tabernacle was officially consecrated on day 8, during each of those 7 days, Moshe erected and took down the mishkan (Midrash Tanchuma Pekudei 11). We look at this practice of construction and dismantling as symbolic of the up and down patterns of our emotional and spiritual lives. The Torah here emphasizes that the priests should remain during this time “in the doorway to the Tent of Meeting” (Leviticus 8:33 and 35). In this meditation, we explore what it would feel like to stay seated and steady in the doorway of our own inner sanctuaries, our place of meeting the divine, and from that grounded place to look out and witness the ups and downs of our lives and meet them with our presence.

Photo by Monica Silvestre at Pexels

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