MEDITATION: Not Consumed By Our Raging Emotions (Parashat Vayakhel)

In this meditation, we look at the Shabbat prohibition of “not kindling a fire in all your dwelling places” (Exodus 35:3) in dialogue with the burning bush incident, interpreting the “fire” as any strong emotion that threatens to consume you and understanding the prohibition against kindling such a fire “in all your dwelling places” as an instruction to learn to not be completely consumed by such raging storms inside us. The question that Moshe asked at the burning bush — why does the bush not get consumed? — is then understood to be answered in our parsha — Shabbat. Remembering your inner shabbat resting place in the midst of a raging fire and situating yourself in that place of calm, is the way to become, like the burning bush, ablaze but never consumed by the fire. The meditation offers an opportunity to feel into both energies at once, to feel the raging emotions while also feeling the perfect rest of your inner shabbat place.

Image by Joe from Pixabay

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