QUICK THOUGHT: God Sees Hagar’s Suffering (Parashat Lech Lecha)

Here is what calls out to me in the parsha this week – the breadth of God’s concern for human suffering.  

Hagar is an Egyptian maidservant and God hears her cries and pays attention to her suffering.   Not just that, but Hagar’s suffering is caused by Sarai, who will bear God’s chosen line, and yet still, God hears and cares.  Ki shama Hashem el anyekh. “For God has heard your suffering” (Genesis 16:11), the angel tells her.  

Rashi explains the divine name that Hagar gives God –  El Ro’i  – as: Elokah hari’iyah sheroeh et elbon ha’aluvin.  “The God of seeing who sees the injury of those who are injured (Rashi on Genesis 16:13).”  God does not make distinctions among the hurt.  God sees human suffering.  

I welcome your thoughts: