MEDITATION: Turning Towards Our Own Central Light (Parashat Beha’alotecha)

The menorah lights were lit in a way that they all pointed inwards towards the central shaft, the core of the menorah. In this meditation, we explore what that means for us internally, first finding our own place of centered, stable alignment, and then inviting all the parts of us that are so habitually focused outward, to turn inwards, towards our own inner light, to know that everything we need is right here inside us. We also practice noticing our tendency to overextend outwards to take care of others and work on viewing them from our aligned center place, seeing the wholeness of others, and when offering them “kindling,” doing it in a way that honors their own wholeness and empowerment by only kindling “until the flame goes up on its own.”

Rashi on Numbers 8:2
Isaiah 60:1

Photo by Alexander Kovalev at Pexels

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