MEDITATION: The Jubilee Year and Your Return to Yourself (Parashat Behar-Bechukotai)

In this meditation, we explore the yovel (jubilee) year’s instruction to return “each person to his holding,” understanding this internally as referring to a return to our soul, to our essence, after an inevitable distancing and shutting down through life and social and cutlural norms. Using bird imagery and river imagery which both emerge from the parsha, we take a journey to reclaim ourselves and our songs, and return, in peace and joy, to our Source.

Sources (in the order in which they appear in the meditation):
Ibn Ezra on Leviticus 25:10
Leviticus 25:25 and elsehwere (word yamuch)
Genesis 26:26
Joshua 6
Isaiah 30:25 and 44:4
Ramban on Leviticus 25:10
Isaiah 18:7
Isaiah 55:12

Photo by Garfield Besa at Pexels

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