MEDITATION: Being the Kohen for Our Afflicted Parts (Parashat Tazria-Metzora)

In this meditation, we practice inhabiting our inner kohen, our capacity to be God’s representative on earth. Like the kohen — vera’ah hakohen — we look at our own tzaru’a, afflicted parts, through this divine lens, seeing our afflictions with optimisim and spaciousness and steadfast love, confident and patient about our own process of healing and growth.

Photo by EVG Kowalievska at Pexels

1 thought on “MEDITATION: Being the Kohen for Our Afflicted Parts (Parashat Tazria-Metzora)”

  1. Thank you very much for this moving meditation. I am going through so much right now, after breast surgery and losing one of my breasts. It is a difficult journey to feel whole again. I do not know when I am going to feel better. it is so raw with the surgery only a month ago. And I often feel hopeless that I will never heal. This meditation gives me hope. It is very difficult to live with this. I know healing requires rest, which is so powerful and true. Sometimes it is hard to give oneself permission to rest. I am trying to give myself the moment to rest. The symmetry between the healer and the healed becoming reintegrated is my hope. I am actually a bas Cohen and hope that the afflicted part which does feel collapsed will help me feel the calm of the Cohen to beat with a similar rhythm I would like to experience this and hope I will in the future. I will try to revisit the meditation more than once. Thanks for sharing such a powerful meditation.

I welcome your thoughts: