MEDITATION: How Is God Calling To You? (Parashat Vayikra)

In this meditation, we explore God’s call to Moshe at the beginning of this parsha and ask the question: How is God calling to me at this moment? By delving into the word Vayikra with its small alef, and paying attention to its connection to the end of last week’s parsha, too, we deepen this inquiry and ask: How might even our self doubt and anxiety and collapse, all the suffering of our small alef self, how might those be a divine call to come close and to grow in love and strength? How would it change us to see them that way, to see all the aches and pains as angels sent to awaken us to who we could be, to awaken us to our divine connection and to the God who is always calling, always knocking on the door with love?

Leviticus 1:1
Exodus 40:35
Netivot Shalom on Vayikra
Mei Hashiloach on Vayikra
Exodus 19:3
Rashi on Leviticus 1:1

Photo by Mike Jones at Pexels

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