MEDITATION: Amalek, Ukraine, and Moshe’s Strong Arms of Faith (Parashat Zakhor)

In this meditation, we imagine the war with Amalek with all its tenuousness and feel inside us the fear and hopelessness that come from a cruel unprovoked attack by the powerful upon the weak. We allow ourselves to feel that gnawing doubt that evil will triumph in relation to Amalek, and in relation to the Ukraine, and then we turn our eyes to the hill where Moshe stood with his arms up in strength and faith, and we take in some of Moshe’s strength and some of his connection to God and some of his faith that goodness will prevail. We take that in and we feel it in our own arms and hearts and welcome all the refugees — from past and present — into our hearts to feel it as well. (Based on Exodus 17:8-16 and Deuteronomy 25:17-19)

I welcome your thoughts: