MEDITATION: On “Chayut,” Aliveness (Parashat Vayechi)

This week’s parsha begins, Vayechi Yaakov, “Yaakov lived,” but it is a parsha about Yaakov’s death. In this meditation, we work on expanding our notion of aliveness in two ways: 1) As Yaakov had a very difficult life, but still vayechi, still loved, so we experiment with seeing our most difficult emotions as manifestations of the life force that runs through us; and 2) We explore how death, as somehow also a part of life, may have something to teach us about what aliveness really means.

Photo by Jacob Colvin from Pexels

1 thought on “MEDITATION: On “Chayut,” Aliveness (Parashat Vayechi)”

  1. This was beautiful. Love the imagery of connecting the vibrations and life forces inside and outside of us. Unfortunately I heard a buzzing start in the audio towards the end and i heard only that. But Ahh it ended. And I brought myself back to the lovely space you created

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