(An earlier version of this was published in 2021)

Some reflection questions to ask as you sit by the Chanukah lights tonight (or whenever):

1. What are the parts of you that most need a glimmer of light right now — the places of greatest darkness and despair, rejection, suffering and self-abandonment?   Can you shine just a little bit of Chanukah light into those dark places and let them experience some warmth, clarity, hope and love, let the light keep them company?

2. Rabim beyad me’atim — “[for the miracle of God handing over] the many into the hands of the few” —  In what areas of your life do you feel overwhelmed by “the many” — too many tasks, too many obstacles, too many decisions, too many people who need things, too much evil — so that it feels at times impossible to live this life, that the odds are against you, more numerous and stronger than you can ever be?    Can you bring the hope and light of the Chanukah miracle into this place inside you, let it see that sometimes, with God’s help, we do beat the odds, that, despite it all, you — we — are still here and alive, against all odds?

3. How could you more fully shine your light in the world? What stops you from shining it? Can you allow the flame of the Chanukah light to burn up the limiting beliefs that stop you from fully manifesting your light, and open yourself to becoming the vessel of light you were born to be? Take the Chanaukah menorah as a role model and shine your light.

4. Who has served as a shamash for you in life — helping to kindle your light, to support and nourish and encourage you to develop your own light?  In what ways do you serve as a shamash for others?  

5. Pirsumei nisa, “the publicization of the miracle”  — we put the Chanukah menorah in a window for all to see because one aspect of this mitzvah is to let other people know about it.  What personal miracle do you want to publicize — something that happened to you that could serve as a shining beacon to help others have hope and faith?   Can you recall even the tiniest glimmer of a miracle, a moment when things shifted for you without any explanation, when you were touched or rescued by sheer grace?   Tell about it; let it shine out for the world to see and hear so that you, too, become a nes, literally a “banner,” reminding others of the miraculous love that sustains us all.  

6. They looked at that single jug of oil and said — that is not enough oil to last as long as we need it to last. In what areas of life do you look at yourself and say — you are not good enough or competent enough or productive enough to fulfill what needs fulfilling — you are not enough? Can you see yourself as that little jug of oil and see that there is nothing more needed, that what you are is just right for the situation, for the world, that you truly are enough? Let go of needing to do it all; light the light you are, and leave the rest to God.

I welcome your thoughts: