MEDITATION: Reaching Up for Connection and Blessing (first half of Ps 24)

This meditation (7 minutes) is based on verses 3-6 of Psalm 24, which are cited below.  I have highlighted the phrases that are key to the meditation.

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? (mi ya’aleh behar Hashem)

Who may stand in His holy place?

He who has clean hands and a pure heart (bar levav),

who has not taken a false oath by My life or sworn deceitfully.

He shall carry away a blessing (brachahfrom the Lord,

a just reward from God, his deliverer.

Such is the circle of those who turn to Him, (zeh dor dorshav)

Jacob, who seek Your presence (mevakshei panekha).   Selah.  

You, too, in listening to this meditation, become part of the circle of those who seek God’s presence.  Thank you for taking part and strengthening our circle.  

If you are interested in joining a meditation group that is currently forming to do this kind of work, please contact me at: [email protected]

I welcome your thoughts: