MEDITATION: On Ben Pelet, The Sons of Korach and Our Capacity to Change (Parashat Korach)

Korach gathers a gang together to rebel against Moshe. Within this group, there are a few people — On ben Pelet and the children of Korach — who initially take part in the rebellion and later change their minds and do teshuvah, make a different choice. In this meditation, we consider the obstacles to this kind of change and then we explore our divine capacity to listen to our “heart’s whisper” and align with our own divine truth and make different choices from the crowd, from our families and from our own previous decisions. The meditation draws on midrashic sources about these individuals and their processes as a way to reflect on our own process of change and transformation, ultimately leading to our finding of stable ground and the singing of our song, like the sons of Korach in the Psalms.

Numbers 16:1
Numbers 26:11 (and Rashi)
Talmud Sanhedrin 109b-110a
Psalms 45:1-2
Midrash Tehillim 45:3

Photo by Kasuma at Pexels

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