MEDITATION: What is Enough? (Parashat Shemini)

On the eighth day, after much preparation and anticipation, to much fanfare, the Glory of God finally appears in the Tabernacle and the people sing out and fall on their faces in joy and awe. At this moment, Nadav and Avihu, the two sons of Aaron, grab their pans and their own fire and bring incense before God. Why did they think they needed to do something more? What more could be wanted than that experience of divine presence and connection that was being experienced in that moment in the mishkan? In this meditation, we look at Nadav and Avihu’s action as representing the subtle discontent and constant restless search for more that we all feel at times, and we consider what is really enough in our lives and how we might lean in to each moment in all its fullness without moving to fix it or make it better. We inhabit and explore the posture of prostration of the people in that moment of revelation as a way to experience this restfulness, receptivity and contentment.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto at Pexels

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