MEDITATION: עד דלא ידע — Until We Meet in the Field of Unknowing (Purim)

In this meditation, we explore the concept of ad delo yada, the instruction on Purim to get into a mindset of not knowing the difference between blessed Mordecai and cursed Haman. We consider what this mindset might feel like, if we let go temporarily of our pervasive habit of judging, distinguishing, separating and evaluating, and met each other and ourselves in the field “beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing” that the Sufi poet Rumi wrote about. We consider this movement as a way of re-entering a pre-tree-of-knowledge state in the Garden of Eden.

Talmud Megillah 7b
Sefat Emet Exodus, Purim, 5640, (Section 8, paragraph 4)
“Out Beyond Ideas,” Rumi
Genesis 1

Photo by Ilya Lisauskas at Pexels

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