MEDITATION: From Swords to Angel Wings: Learning to Open Our Hearts (Parashat Terumah)

In this meditation, we look closely at the keruvim, the child-like angel figures that stood on top of the ark in the Tabernacle. It is from between these keruvim that God is said to speak and meet us. Finding this place in our own heart space, we explore what blocks us from this open access of connection to God and our highest selves. We look at the history of the keruvim and how they were originally placed as guards to block the way back to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden after the first humans were banished. We find a parallel sense of banishment and loss of connection to our life essence inside ourselves, and consider how the keruvim here in our parsha offer a shift out of that closedness, as the angels now put down their swords and open up to become a gateway for us to enter.

Exodus 25:18-22
Genesis 3:24
Rashi on Genesis 3:24
Genesis 3:9
Talmud Sukkah 5b
Isaiah 2:4

Photo by Deneen LT at Pexels

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