MEDITATION: Learning To Surf Like Yosef (Parashat Vayeshev)

Yosef has a difficult life, but he doesn’t seem to suffer through it like his father Yaakov. He seems to ride the up and down waves with equanimity, balance and steadiness. In this meditation, we explore this capacity of Yosef’s and try it on for ourselves, looking at Yosef’s trust and sense of perpetual connection to God through the frame of Psalm 1, being like a tree planted by streams of water.

Genesis 39-40
Genesis 50:20 (“you meant it for bad, but God meant it for good”)
Genesis 39:2-3
Psalm 1:3
Psalm 92:13-14
Jeremiah 17:8
See also: Breishit Rabbah 89:3
Johnny Cash, “I Shall Not Be Moved”

Photo by Pixabay at Pexels

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