MEDITATION: Entering the Sanctuary of Sarah’s Tent (Parashat Chayei Sarah)

Yitzhak, after the traumatic experience of the akedah and his mother Sarah’s death, finds comfort and love in his mother’s tent when he enters it with his new wife, Rivkah. Rashi cites a famous rabbinic tradition that names three miraculous features of the tent during Sarah’s (and later, Rivkah’s) life — a Shabbat light that lasted all week, blessing in the dough, and the Cloud (of divine presence) attached to the tent. In this meditation, we enter into the sanctuary created by Sarah inside ourselves and explore these miraculous phenomena that are always present for us, finding our own comfort and hope and a renewed capacity for love.

Source for this meditation: Rashi on Genesis 24:67

Photo by segui andrea at Pexels

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