MEDITATION: Gathering In All Parts of You (Parashat Re’eh)

Again and again in this parsha, the Torah talks about gathering all the members of your household together to hamakom, to the place where God resides, and being sameach, joyful, there. In this meditation we work on gathering in all parts of ourselves to hamakom, to the place of inner divine spaciousness, inviting in each of the parts in turn to take a seat at the table, from our inner children to our “worker” parts to the stranger or orphan inside us. By cultivating a space of radical inclusiveness, we begin to get a taste of the joy of connection and wholeness and belonging.

Deuteronomy 16:13-15 and throughout the parsha
Mishnah Avot 5:7
Deuteronomy 14:29 and throughout

Photo by Curtis Adams at Pexels

1 thought on “MEDITATION: Gathering In All Parts of You (Parashat Re’eh)”

  1. Thank you for a very meaningful and deep meditation. I especially needed it today as I am a healing from another surgery, somewhat more minor on Monday but still needing healing. Thank you so much. I felt like the needy child but I feel better now. B’shalom, Batya

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