MEDITATION: Filling Up With Divine Love (Parashat Eikev)

In this meditation, we look closely at the phrase: ואכלת ושבעת וברכת, “You shall eat and be satisfied and give thanks” (Deuteronomy 8:10). The meditation is broken up into three parts: 1) Ve’akhalta, “you shall eat” — we come into contact with our core hunger and sense of lack or depletion and honor it as a sacred way of opening. We practice opening ourselves, making space inside to become a vessel for the divine flow, like a little bird opening wide to be fed. 2) Ve’savata, “you shall be satisfied” — we allow in the flow of divine goodness and love and let it permeate all through us so that we feel filled up by this unconditional limitless love. 3) Uverachta, “you shall give thanks” — the movement here is overflow. We allow our fullness to turn into overflow and pour out towards God and others. Opening, filling and overflowing. In the last part of the meditation, we put all three together and add hand motions to help us feel them and embody them. Opening, filling and overflowing.

Deuteronomy 8:10
Psalm 145:16
Psalm 81:10
Shabbat Amidah
Psalm 90:14
Psalm 23:5
Deuteronomy 8:7

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