MEDITATION: Learning to Return to Stillness at Sinai (Shavu’ot)

In this meditation, we explore a midrash that teaches that at Mount Sinai, at each divine utterance, the people’s souls flew out of their bodies and had to be returned, and also that at each utterance, the people ran backwards 12 mil and angels had to be lead them back. We explore our own tendency to run away — in many directions — from being where we are, and practice, again and again, like the Israelites at Sinai, we practice noticing our restlessness and distraction and returning home to ourselves, to stillness, to our center, to the place inside where we meet God and can recieve revelation.

Sources (in the order in which they appear in the meditation):
Exodus 19-20
Talmud Shabbat 88b
Psalm 23
Pesikta deRav Kahana 12:25

Photo by Spencer Selover at :Pexels

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