MEDITATION: Envy and Our Own Inherent Value (Parashat Yitro)

This meditation deals with the tenth commandment, lo tachmod, “you shall not covet” or envy what your neighbor has. Bringing to mind a situation in which we might feel some envy around the accomplishment or quality of another person, we then look at the healing response that the experience at Mount Sinai offers us — the revelation, according to the Sefat Emet, not just of God, but also of our own essence as a part of the divine, our own intrinsic infinite value. We explore the possibility that if we really come home to ourselves and learn to rest in our own inherent worth and celebrate and love the members of our own internal household (our parts), then we need not search elsewhere, we need not knock on someone else’s door. Feeling the wholeness of our own selves, slowly, over time, heals the urge to turn outward and wish for what belongs to someone else.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio at Pexels

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