MEDITATION: Relaxing into Redemption (Parashat Va’era)

In this meditation, we look at the process of the Israelites’ redemption from Mitzrayim, from a place of narrow straits, as it relates to our own process of inner spiritual redemption. There is a Hasidic notion that in order to achieve our own personal redemption, we need to become like Moshe in his ability to surrender to God (hitbatlut), opening to the divine redemptive process that wants to happen inside us and allowing it to flow through us, letting go of the tight control that assumes that we need to make this happen on our own. The meditation explores the image of Moshe as a baby floating in the river as a way of imagining and beginning to taste in an embodied way what it might mean to release and surrender, to allow ourselves to be held and carried, to allow redemption to unfold. The meditation also touches on the 4 sacred words of redemption as continuous calls from a God who wants to redeem us if we would only allow it to happen.

Photo by Dan Hamill at Pexels

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