MEDITATION: On Scarcity and Spaciousness (Parashat Toldot)

The parsha is full of fighting — fighting between Yaakov and Esav over the birthright and the blessing, and fighting between the shepherds of Gerar and the shepherds of Yitzhak over wells. Behind this fighting is a sense of scarcity of resources. In this meditation, we look inside to see what kinds of scarcity we have been feeling — scarcity of time, energy, financial resources, love, compassion, and attention. We check inside for these places of tightness and sense of lack, and we offer them a glimpse of what Yitzhak finally gets a glimpse of in the well he calls Rechovot, “Expansiveness,” a well that is not fought over. “For now God has expanded the land for us,” Yitzhak says, and we take that inside, right at this moment, tasting this spaciousness and allowing our tightest places to rest in it.

Photo by Jill Wellington at Pexels

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