MEDITATION: Listen To the Voice of Your Own Sarah (Parashat Chayei Sarah)

Sarah in some way dies from inattention, from not being properly honored and listened to. In this meditation, we work to find the Sarah inside us, the deep knowing resting place that connects us to the divine; we find this place and rest in it; we listen to it and honor it, so that Sarah is chay, alive, again inside us.

Sources (in the order they appear in the meditation):

Rashi on Genesis 23:2
The “where” questions: Genesis 18:9, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9
Genesis 21:12 and Rashi on that verse
Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman, Baccalaureate Address, Spellman College, May 4, 1980
Talmud Ketubot 62b

Photo by Magda Ehlers at Pexels

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