MEDITATION: Our Hunger, But Not For bread (Parashat Eikev)

כי לא על הלחם לבדו יחיה האדם כי על כל מוצא פי ה’ יחיה האדם
Human beings do not live by bread alone, but rather a person lives by everything that comes out of the mouth of the Lord (Deuteronomy 8:3).

‘הנה ימים באים ונשלחתי רעב בארץ.  לא רעב ללחם ולא צמא למים כי אם לשמוע את דברי ה
Behold, the days are coming – I will send a famine to the land, not a hunger for bread and not a thirst for water,
but rather to hear the words of the Lord  (Amos 8:11).

In this meditation, we get in touch with the ache of our hunger, our yearning, not for bread, but for connection to God, and we explore the different entry points to listening for God’s words speaking to us in life, and the ways those words might respond to and fill that hunger inside us.

Photo by Pixabay at Pexels

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