MEDITATION: Gathering Together (Purim)

On this day when President Zelensky of Ukraine comes to ask for help for his country from the US, we are commemorating Esther’s plea to the king for mercy for her people. In preparation for that request, Esther instructs Mordecai to gather the people together. In this meditation, we work on our capacity for gathering, each one of us gathering our internal forces and then feeling the connection and sense of gathering implied by Mishloach Manot and Matanot La’evyonim, practicing sending and recieving love and compassion to each other and creating a net interconnectedness that strengthens us. In the end of the meditation, we pause to make a personal prayer/plea to the ultimate KIng, the Merciful One to turn darkness into light once again.

Photo by Felix Mittlemeier from Pexels

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