POEM: Elekh: “I will Go” (Parashat Chayei Sarah)

(A reading of Genesis 24:54-61.  See especially Rashi on 24:55.)

Elekh, she said.  
“I will go.”
Without the fanfare
of a burning furnace
or an elaborate divine call.
Elekh,  she said. I will go.

Don’t think it was easy.
A crowd of naysayers 
came to chirp in her ear, 
as they will –
We haven’t even met the guy
It’s such a long way
You’re too young
They’re far out hippies
How do you even know

But Rivka stood still 
in the light of her own
knowing and felt a surge
of power run through her.
Elekh:  energy of “I”
fused with forward motion,  
a tingling all the way to her 
fingertips:  I will go.
I can do it.  I can do anything.

Look and see what happens next,
how a steady stance of self
turns naysayers to blessers:
Our sister, they proclaim in shock, 
Thou art as thousands of multitudes now–
so strong and vast, the world’s inside!
Invincible be your seed. Good bye! 

Elekh.  She said,
and set out on her way.

Photo by Tobi from Pexels

2 thoughts on “POEM: Elekh: “I will Go” (Parashat Chayei Sarah)”

  1. Rachel, It was very thought provoking for me…..all the naysayers and, yet, the strength and determination to go forward…thank you….Elsie cohen, (orchard cove resident w/Liz)

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