POEM: What to Remember (Rosh Hashanah)

Note: Another name for Rosh Hashanah is Yom HaZikaron, the Day of Remembering.  The middle section of Rosh Hasnahan Mussaf prayers, called זכרונות, “Remembrances,” ends with the brachah זוכר הברית, zokher habrit, “the One who remembers the covenant.”

What is the most important thing 
to remember every day?

On this Day of Memory
that sets our path ahead and behind
we find out what God
most wants to remember:
Relationship.  Zokher habrit.  

And you?
What is the most important thing 
for you to remember 
through the fog and folly 
of the year ahead?   

(Watercolor by my husband Tim Lytton)

I welcome your thoughts: