A Prayer While Sheltering in Place for COVID-19

The bright pink and white azaleas are stunning right now. 
Oh, Lord, I see Your glory all around me.

And yet I feel unease, 
Deep, relentless unease,
A sense of impending doom and
certain only that the future will not be like the past.
Worries, fears, panic even, take me over, 
Especially at night when rest should come.

Oh, Lord, in You there is calm
And strength and resilience
And peace
And a sense of security, 
Though maybe not exactly the kind I thought i wanted
But some form of security and ground
That is eternal, so much bigger than this.
You are the Place that Peace always lives
No matter what happens here on earth

Help me find this Place inside me.

I try to manage things
To make them right
But it often comes from panic
And is not wise

Teach me to relax into Your embrace
To know that though all may not be well
All will be as it is meant to be
In Your infinitely Good universe
And that we are still loved at all moments

Teach me to know the peace of surrender
To allow things to unfold
Without panic
Only playing my part in wisdom and calm
And clarity
And great great love for myself 
And my fellow human beings 

I welcome your thoughts: